Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What's in The Box?

My main character, Rose, has a cigar box - one of the larger ones - in which she keeps mementos. Mementos both of her mom and for her mom.

You see, this kid is not 100% convinced that mom is dead, even though that's what her father presumes. She disappeared on the same day that Rose was turned into a werewolf.

So some of what's in the box are things like Rose's own plastic hospital wristband from that day and the blood-stained stuffed animal she'd been holding. But some are things that Rose wishes she could have shown her mom over the years, or things she is saving to give her mom when she returns. Like the first tooth she lost -- the one she left under the pillow that the Tooth Fairy forgot to exchange for a shiny silver dollar.

I'm filling the box, bit by bit. But I thought it would be fun to hear your ideas. If I like it, it might end up in my manuscript. If I get published, I'll be sure to include you in my thank yous. So, tell me, what's in The Box?

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